Rockland Duck Derby Rules
1. The Rockland Duck Derby (RDD) is presented by the Stern Family Fund (Presenter) of the Rockland Community Foundation (RCF). RCF is a non-profit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Beneficiaries of this event will be the Rockland Community Foundation, Rockland Meals on Wheels, Wonder Girls USA and Good Samaritan Hospital. Additional beneficiaries may be added at any time. Net proceeds from this event will be distributed by the Stern Family Fund (at the Rockland Community Foundation) to beneficiary organizations.
2. The combined value of cash prizes for first, second and third place finishers will be $2250. If more than 5000 are sold, prizes may increase. Additional non-cash prizes may be awarded to additional finishers if obtained by the Stern Family Fund.
3. The RDD shall be open to all legal residents of the United States who are at least 18 years of age and prizes will only be awarded to individuals who are 18 years or older.
4. All ducks entered in the RDD are leased and remain the sole property of the Presenter until returned to the leasing company.
5. A number will be randomly assigned to each duck that has been adopted. Multiple ducks purchased/entries on one form or on-line purchase will be assigned separate duck numbers. Chances of winning will depend on the number of ducks sold.
6. The first three ducks to cross the finish line in succession will be declared the winners. No attempt to interfere with any duck is permitted unless deemed necessary by the Presenter. Winning ducks will be announced as soon as the presenter is able to determine the persons names who correspond to the numbers on the ducks. Winners shall be determined by the Presenter in its sole and final judgement. Entrants need not be present to win. A list of prize winners will be posted on the RDD website ( and the Rockland Duck Derby Facebook page.
7. If we are unable to contact the winners within thirty days after the race, the prize money will be distributed to the beneficiary charities.
8. Winners must show proper identification when claiming the prize. Each winner has sole responsibility for paying any and all taxes owed. Each winner must provide necessary information for completion of a W-2G if required. After the information is provided, a check will be issued to each winner.
9. By entering the event, entrants release the SFF and RCF, its members, directors, agents, employees and volunteers and related entities from any and all liability related to this event.
10. By entering the event, winners consent to the promotional use of their names and likenesses without any additional consent or compensation.
11. The Rockland Duck Derby logo is the sole possession of the Stern Family Fund. No other person or entity is authorized to copy it or use without the written consent of the Stern Family Fund.
12. In case of inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances that prevent the launch of the ducks, prizes will be presented through a random drawing.
13. In the event of race cancellation due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances, the race cannot be rescheduled as the ducks must move on to their next race. Winners will be selected on the day of the event using GAME's random race winner tool.
All decisions and interpretations of rules and regulations rest with the Stern Family Fund and the Rockland Community Foundation. These rules are/will be posted on the RDD website.