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Frequently Asked Questions

Learn about our cause and how the duck race works.
Make a contribution:
Adopt a Duck Now!

Who benefits from the Lucky Ducky Race for Pace?

All proceeds benefit Pace Center for Girls of Manatee County. We would love for you to learn more about Pace and by visiting Adopt a Duck... Help a GIRL!

What time will the winners be picked?

Because the Lucky Ducky Race for Pace is dependent upon both wind and tidal flow, the timing of the race will be announced as the race nears, but ducks are expected to race at noon.

How will I know if my duck wins?

Top 10 Winners will be announced at the event. All remaining winners will be posted on this website within 24 hours of the event.

Are they real ducks or rubber ducks?

Rubber Ducks! Although it might be super cute to race 30,000+ fluffy ducklings, collecting them from the Manatee River after the event might be challenging. We respect all animals and the environment, therefore the clean rubber ducks are dropped and raced in a closed track where all can be easily removed at the end.

What happens to all the ducks after the race?

All ducks are removed from the water by our specQUACKular volunteers and staff.

Do I need to be present to win?

No, you can win from home! Winners will be announced on the website within 24 hours.

Is there an admission fee for the Duck Derby?

No, it is free to attend the Lucky Ducky Race for Pace and cheer for your duckling(s). Food and beverages will be available from our partner vendors including Anna Maria Oyster Bar/Oysters Rock Hospitality.

How much does it cost to adopt a duck?

Lonely Duck: $5
Quack Pack (5 ducks): $20
Flock of Ducks (30 ducks): $100.00
VID (Very Important Duck – includes 125 ducks in the race + a larger corporate duck with your logo in the VID Race): $400

Can I adopt ducks on race day?

Yes, online adoptions will open the morning of the race until approximately 30 minutes before race time, or sooner if ducks become unavailable. The 2023 and 2024 race was sold out prior to the race - and we even added more ducks prior to the race in '24!