My name is Beverly! I am a member of the Saline County Superstars. I became an athlete because I love to play sports and be active. I am also outgoing, very friendly, and try to get to know everyone I meet.
I love that since I am a Special Olympic athlete, I get the opportunity to meet various people from different areas and cultures, including fellow athletes that I wouldn’t get to meet and begin friendships with otherwise. I think it is awesome that we as athletes, get to pick which team we want to represent and be a part of. I love being a part of the Polar Plunge with members of my team and the community in which we represent.
My favorite part of being a Special Olympic athlete is that winning is not the most important aspect but also having good sportsmanship, having fun, and encouraging others is included. I enjoy being able to compete for medals and sharing the joy of winning with my teammates and congratulating the winners. I think it is really cool how our competitions and games let us travel to different parts of Illinois. One thing that I love to do besides play in the different sports is attend the Victory Dances.
I get to do a lot of cool and fun things being a Special Olympic athlete but one of my favorite activities that I have done has been the Southern Illinois Ducky Derby. I get to be outgoing and promote my team while also raising money for it. I like that I get to go to different places to sell merchandise such as the ducks, and meet new people and then see everyone at the race. While at the race, I enjoy spending time with my friends, fellow team members, and other athletes that I compete with. It is a lot of fun and a great activity to promote Special Olympics in my community.