You have come to the PERFECT place to adopt a duck - I am actively working with all my ducks to train them up to be the best, fastest, most wily swimmers the PaDucky Derby has ever seen.
On a serious note - thank you for adopting ducks. In Kentucky, nearly 1 in 2 women and 1 in 3 men will experience intimate partner violence in their lifetimes. Merryman House's mission is to save, build and change the lives of those effected by domestic violence: men, women and children. It has served the eight-county Purchase Region of western Kentucky as the state-designated provider of domestic violence shelter and outreach since 1978. Merryman House offers a 24/7 staffed crisis hotline and emergency shelter, safety planning, comprehensive case management and advocacy, court advocacy, support groups and education, housing stabilization and assistance, and more. We serve hundreds of victims annually, and all services are FREE and confidential. The PaDucky Derby is our primary fundraiser. Thank you for your support!