PediPlace is a non-profit pediatric healthcare practice that provides quality, cost-effective primary pediatric healthcare & mental health services to North Texas children from birth through eighteen years of age who are uninsured or receiving Medicaid or Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) benefits regardless of economic, geographic, or cultural barriers. PediPlace is designated by the State of Texas as a site serving a medically underserved population. PediPlace is the only organization of its type, size and scope in North Texas not affiliated with a hospital system. We provide a medical home for children that tend to be from low-income families who otherwise would go without care or who would unnecessarily use the emergency room.
Our mission is Making Healthcare A Reality For Every Kid!
For every duck sold, $1 will be given to PediPlace to support our Programs:
•Healthy Babies Program- provides free well visits to uninsured infants and toddlers, 0-15 months. Well-child visits allow medical providers to screen for physical and developmental delays, hearing, and vision problems. The infants also receive recommended health vaccinations.
•Healthy Kids Program- provides preventive care to children including annual physicals for children ages 2 and older, and the immunizations recommended for children and adolescents.
•Illness to Wellness Program- ensures sick children have the proper medical care they need to recover.
•Integrated Mental Health Services- integrates mental health services in our primary care environment. PediPlace’s patient population already have barriers to care including mental health services that intensified during the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021, PediPlace initiated a program providing integrated mental health services within our primary care framework to address risk factors in PediPlace patients. Funding a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) allows us to facilitate complex cases. Direct referral and access to in-house services in a trusted environment, enhance our medical home and timely address issues. The program places a LPC at PediPlace and provides services that assist patients and their family system to navigate the complex medical and mental health care system. We also offer child and adolescent therapy to address issues of anxiety, depression, substance abuse, sexual behavior, and others, using a variety of techniques. PediPlace’s Integrated Mental Health Services began in 2021 with 67 appointments. This program has grown to 829 appointments in 2023.
•School Based Clinics- through a unique partnership with the Lewisville Independent School District in February 2016, PediPlace established a pediatric clinic on-site at a large local (96% economically disadvantaged in 2023) elementary school to expand access to health care for low-income, at-risk school children. In 2023, we provided services at this school location to 439 patients in 835 office visits. In January 2024, through a unique partnership with the Denton Independent School District, our school-based clinic located on-site at Fred Moore High School opened and provides access to healthcare for underserved children in the Greater Denton area.
•Family Care Fund- while our programs provide much needed medical care, problems arise when uninsured patients are unable to follow through with their prescribed medical care due to their inability to afford prescription medications or lab tests. In order to help patients complete their full cycle of care, the Family Care Fund provides financial assistance for laboratory tests and prescription medication for uninsured children.
•Parent Education- teaches parents about their children’s health, medicines, and the proper use of the emergency room.
•Reach Out and Read Program- each patient receives an age-appropriate book at the beginning of every well visit, ages birth through five years. By the time the child is six years old, they will have accumulated a library of 18 books designed to expand children’s vocabulary and cognitive skills. The books become a developmental and family systems diagnostic tool. Literacy is promoted, a library established, and stronger reading readiness at kindergarten and first grade is achieved.
Please contact Shari.Markey@pediplace.org to take a tour or for further information.