Basic services include:
Supplementary food once monthly (based on family size);
Basic needs once monthly (toilet tissue, shampoo, oral care);
Special food and toiletry packages for the homeless;
Medical Equipment (walkers, canes, crutches) when available;
Home Delivery to the disabled;
Pre-Packaged Food Boxes to agencies which serve clientele similar to ours (such as Gulf Bend Mental Health Center, the Youth Advocacy Project, Victoria Public Schools, etc.); and
Referral to other charitable and community agencies as appropriate.
Financial Assistance provided in-house when funding is available includes:
Payment of past due water or natural gas bills to avoid termination of services;
Payment of non-narcotic prescription medications;
Gasoline Vouchers for out-of-town medical appointments;
Refillable Laundry Cards for Homeless Population.
Financial assistance for other services may be arranged collaboratively with
churches or agencies on a case-by-case basis as funding allows
United Way - Churches - Grants/Foundations - Individuals – Dollar General
Clubs/Organizations - Food Bank of the Golden Crescent - HEB - Target
“Providing hope when things seem hopeless…”