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Franny's Flock

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Franny's Flock

This August will mark 28 years since the beautiful Mary Frances O'Donnell of "Franny's Flock" died of a glioblastoma. A mom to three young children, wife, daughter, sister, friend, and wonderful human all around, she truly did everything she could to have more time with her loved ones, ultimately knowing that her diagnosis was terminal. She went through brain surgery, radiation, relearning how to walk, talk, and perform daily activities we often take for granted like brushing our teeth. Mary Fran embodied strength, love, and grace and was a light in this world to so many. Her presence continues to shine through in all who know and love her.

Join us in helping to float hope in honor of Mary Fran and for all who are grieving the loss of someone irreplaceable in their lives by supporting KinderMourn's annual Hope Floats Duck Race. KinderMourn is a nonprofit in Charlotte, NC that has a mission to provide hope for bereaved parents, grieving children, and teens by offering support and counseling programs, creating awareness of bereavement issues, and empowering the community to effectively assist those who have suffered an unthinkable loss.

By adopting ducks, KinderMourn will continue to support bereaved families in their grief and all the ways their lives are forever changed because of loss. Thank you for impacting the lives of so many.

What Your Ducks Can Do:

A Six Quack (6) - $30

Provides a week's worth of snacks and drinks, offered to all children

and teens who visit the KinderMourn home for counseling.

The Lucky Dozen (13) - $65

Provides one counseling session for a newly bereaved parent

grieving the loss of a child at any age or from any cause.

The Whole Raft (20) - $100

Provides one counseling group session with professional

KinderMourn counselors for teens grieving the loss of a loved one.

Super Flock (50) - $250

Provides counseling with KinderMourn clinical staff to school

communities, employers, churches, etc., after a tragic or unexpected death.

Mega Flock (100) - $500

Helps fund five Helping the Hurt counselors’ hours to support

students in local area schools, ensuring that no child has to grieve alone.

Thank you for adopting ducks and floating HOPE in honor of Mary Fran for KinderMourn!

Team Members

Team Member Num Adopted Goal Adoptions
Kaela O.
Kaela O.
20 25