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Waddles for Henry

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Waddles for Henry

In the early morning of Saturday, Jan. 8, 2022, Henry Gray Caldwell, deeply loved son and baby brother, passed away unexpectedly in his sleep. He was not quite 1-and-a-half years old.
Born July 25, 2020 – smack dab in the middle of a global pandemic – he very well may have been the happiest baby we’ve ever met.

He loved chocolate chip waffles, making animal noises – you should’ve heard his dog, it was incredible – and teasing with his big sister, Mary Carol. He loved waving bye-bye and blowing a kiss when it was time to leave somewhere, even when it was simply time to go to bed. And he was especially good at that little sly grin when he was about to do something he knew he wasn't supposed to.

He loved coloring, climbing, faceplanting onto couch pillows, sticking his finger in his sister's nose (though Mary Carol not-so-secretly loved that game), smacking his leg when he was dancing, and countless
other things that we wish every day we'd have been
able to see blossom in the years ahead.

Most of all, Henry loved his family, and his family will forever
love him back with a fierceness that is hard to put into words.

We are so tremendously grateful for all that KinderMourn has meant to and done for us in the time since Henry’s passing. Between group and individual counseling and all its many initiatives, KinderMourn is an invaluable organization for grieving families in Charlotte and beyond, and we are proud and honored to be able to give back through Waddles for Henry and the duck race.

Team Members

Team Member Num Adopted Goal Adoptions
Julie C.
Julie C.
12 25