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Ducklings for Joseph

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Ducklings for Joseph

Hi Everyone!!

We can't thank you enough for your interest in supporting an amazing cause. We are very passionate about remembering Joseph (and our other Angels) and paying it forward to honor of him/them. KinderMourn is such a great organization that helps provide support to parents/children who are grieving the loss of a child/sibling. We are thankful for your support!

"For 48 years, KinderMourn has provided help, hope and healing to bereaved parents and grieving children. We provide counseling services for parents who have experienced the death of a child and children grieving the death of a parent, sibling, or other loved one. Our mission has remained strong and the heart of KinderMourn still beats for one purpose…to provide a safe haven for those who have suffered unimaginable loss."

Adopting a Duck Through Ducklings for Joseph:

  • Select the Adopt a Duck Now button below this text and select a package.
  • The team name and team member you adopted ducks from will be included in the online receipt and in the email receipt you receive.

Please note it may take up to 24 hours for your adoption to be listed below.

Thank you for adopting ducks in honor of our sweet Angel and all the babies gone too soon.


Danielle, Joe and Vince Caterino

Team Members

Team Member Num Adopted Goal Adoptions
Danielle C.
Danielle C.
20 25